Getting Older

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday was my birthday. The big "30".

In the months leading up to this birthday milestone I often thought about how much I did not want the day to come. How dreadful to no longer be in my twenties, to be, middle-aged.

I was so worried about having another birthday. I was worried that now that I am no longer in my twenties, people will think I am old. I am no longer in the young bracket, part of the fun crowd. But then I had my birthday.

This birthday brought me two things that I had really really wanted. The first was to spend my birthday with people I loved. They all threw me a surprise party with balloons and confetti and noise and photos and lots and lots of hugs from my niece. The second thing that I really wanted was material, a new camera. The camera that I have been eyeing for more than a year. YAY! This was a great birthday for me and I felt almost guilty afterward for going into it with such negativity.

I realized that this birthday should not be looked upon as the end of the good times, but as a new beginning. Who says life can't begin at 30? Hell, most of my twenties was pissed away anyhow. I should use this milestone as a starting point. A new beginning; and I am trying.

I am trying to be more positive in my thinking. I am trying to stop and think before I react.

I can't wait to get going with my thirties. Who knows where this decade could take me. This could be the best decade of my life.

I am so ready for it.


Linda S. Socha said...

Fantastic plan...HAPPY Birthday.. Hope you celebrate all weei

~A~ said...

Thanks Linda!

My best friend turned 30 on Thursday so I have another reason to celebrate tonight!

A good way to finish out the week!


Douglas Florian said...

hApPy BiRtHdAy
If you live to 120 you're only 1/4 there.

~A~ said...

I never thought of it that way! lol
Thanks for the laught this morning.

Chris said...

Happy Birthday! I also dreaded my 30th, and I have to admit, it took me a couple of years before I finally got comfortable with it. What I've realized since then is that the 30's are WAY better than the 20's, at least for me, and it seems that most people my age and older agree. I'm now less than two months from my 40th, and I'm actually excited about that. I even adopted that age several months ago, so I've been referring to myself as 40 for quite a while now.

I think my feeling now is that people in their 20's are most important to companies who want to sell them things, but that the 30's are really when you get to settle into who you are, and you get to start enjoying a lot of the groundwork you've laid down as you've grown up.

If I could go back to any point in my life to re-live (but not necessarily to do differently), I'd definitely skip the teen years, and the 20's as well. 30 is a great age, and my opinion is that you've got your best years still ahead of you.

Besides, age is just a number - what matters most is how young you feel.

Chris said...

I also just realized that this was a slightly older post, so my "happy birthday" was quite late. I hope the first weeks of being 30 have been good to you!

~A~ said...

Hey Chris~
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Better late than never right?

30 has been all right so far. Got some bad news yesterday that I will eventually get around to posting about. It's been a busy few weeks.

Hope all is well.


Anonymous said...

This is very late but Happy Birthday ! Your 30's are the prime of your life.

~A~ said...

Thanks Cherie!