Getting Older

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday was my birthday. The big "30".

In the months leading up to this birthday milestone I often thought about how much I did not want the day to come. How dreadful to no longer be in my twenties, to be, middle-aged.

I was so worried about having another birthday. I was worried that now that I am no longer in my twenties, people will think I am old. I am no longer in the young bracket, part of the fun crowd. But then I had my birthday.

This birthday brought me two things that I had really really wanted. The first was to spend my birthday with people I loved. They all threw me a surprise party with balloons and confetti and noise and photos and lots and lots of hugs from my niece. The second thing that I really wanted was material, a new camera. The camera that I have been eyeing for more than a year. YAY! This was a great birthday for me and I felt almost guilty afterward for going into it with such negativity.

I realized that this birthday should not be looked upon as the end of the good times, but as a new beginning. Who says life can't begin at 30? Hell, most of my twenties was pissed away anyhow. I should use this milestone as a starting point. A new beginning; and I am trying.

I am trying to be more positive in my thinking. I am trying to stop and think before I react.

I can't wait to get going with my thirties. Who knows where this decade could take me. This could be the best decade of my life.

I am so ready for it.

Get Over It...

Monday, February 16, 2009


I need to get over it. The majority of this blog has been nothing but me writing about the grey cloud that I bring with me everywhere that I go.

I rarely write about anything positive and when I do I usually find something wrong with that too. I keep saying that I want this shitty mood to end and that I want to be happier and not so bummed out all the time. The first thing that I need to do then is stop complaining and do something about it.

Oh, this does not mean that my problems will dissolve and I will break into a pathetic version of Kumbaya. Oh no. It just means that maybe if I start trying to be more positive my life will kind of flow along in that direction. So that is what I'm going to do.

So I'm going to try and get life flowing in the right direction. Goodbye grey cloud, hello sunshine.

Here goes nothin...
